The Course

Are you tired of the endless cycle of fad diets and the confusing health food jargon that's out there? It's time to get back to basics with simple, delicious, and nutritious cooking! We'll dive into the essentials of a well-balanced diet that supports your body's needs. From macronutrients to micros, you'll learn all about the vitamins, minerals, and fibers crucial to your health. And this isn't just about theory; get ready to roll up your sleeves as we explore how to select the best ingredients and prepare meals that are as pleasing to your palate as they are beneficial for your waistline.

But this course isn't just about eating your greens and calling it a day. It's a culinary journey that'll equip you with practical skills to make healthy eating a sustainable and enjoyable part of your daily life. You'll gain hands-on experience creating mouthwatering recipes that cater to a variety of dietary needs, including vegetarian, gluten-free, and low-sugar options. By the end of this adventure, you'll not only know how to cook up a storm of healthful goodness but also how to adapt these principles to busy schedules and real-world budgets, making wholesome eating a breeze for you and your loved ones. MOST IMPORTANTLY STOP COOKING WITH TOXIC POTS. CONTACT [email protected] FOR NEW COOKWARE

What you will learn

You know, when I first started putting this course together, my goal was to create something that wasn't just informative, but also super practical and engaging for someone like you—someone eager to embrace a healthier lifestyle. I've carefully handpicked recipes and tips that are going to make the transition to healthy eating a breeze. I wanted to give you all the tools you need, so we're talking about nutritional principles, meal planning, and even time-saving kitchen hacks. Every module is organized to build on the previous one, helping you to confidently expand your culinary skills while keeping health front and center. Trust me, it’s been designed with the understanding that life is busy and eating well shouldn’t be another stressor. So, whether you're a total novice or just need a bit of guidance to refine your habits, this course has got your back. You'll walk away not just with a bunch of recipes, but with a solid foundation that will help you sustain a healthy way of eating for life.


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Your instructor

Sabbath brings a wealth of experience and dedication to the art of combining healthy eating with the joy of cooking. COOKING WITHOUT THE TOXIC METALS IN TOXIC POTS. She is determined to share the revelation Jesus gave her with others and connect them to ways to purchase healthier cookware. If you are interested in purchasing non-toxic cookware for you and your family, please email [email protected]

With an educational background in communication and years of hands-on experience in culinary arts in her own kitchen, she has developed a deep understanding of how diet impacts overall well-being. Equally adept at breaking down complex dietary concepts for students and crafting delicious, nutritious meals, Sabbath's expertise shines both in the classroom and the kitchen, making the principles of healthy living both accessible and enjoyable.

Fueled by a passion for teaching and a commitment to promoting a holistic approach to food, Sabbath's connection to the course "Healthy Eating & Healthy Cooking" is profound and personal. Recognizing that food is more than just sustenance — it's a cultural touchstone, a source of joy, and a pathway to health — she has tailored the course to empower students with the knowledge and skills to transform their eating habits and approach to food preparation. Students will not only learn the science behind nutrient-rich diets but also the practical techniques to bring these benefits to their own tables, guided by Sabbath's contagious enthusiasm and practical wisdom. She credits God in everything she does to help women and their families. She is a Christian Healthy Cooking Coach.


Balanced Meals for a Thriving Body


Natural Ingredients for Holistic Wellness


Energizing Recipes and Fitness Exercises for Optimal Health