Toxic Pots

Cooking with toxic pots and pans can have negative effects on your health. Many traditional pots and pans are made with materials like aluminum, non-stick coatings, and certain types of plastic that can leach harmful chemicals into your food when exposed to heat. Some of the metals can lead to diseases. These chemicals can then be ingested, leading to potential health problems such as hormonal imbalances, organ damage, and even an increased risk of certain cancers. It's important to be aware of the materials used in your cookware to ensure you're not unknowingly exposing yourself to these harmful substances.

The company we've partnered up has been manufacturing pots for over 75 years and they use non-toxic materials when creating the cookware.

Better eating and better cooking can be attained by using the cookware designed by our partners and design team. Please contact us for more information at [email protected]

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